
Anatomical Terms

Abdomen : The portion of the body between the thorax and pelvis

Achilles Tendonitis : Inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Acromion : Bony process of the scapula which forms the point of the shoulder

Acute : Used in speaking of duration and severity of disease

Anatomical : To accommodate the contours of the body

Anterior : The front of the body

Arthritis : Inflammation of a joint

Arthrosis : A joint, an area where two bones are attached for the purpose of motion of body parts

Brachial : Pertaining to the arm

Bursitis : Inflammation of a bursa, typically one in a shoulder joint

Carpal : Relating to the bones forming the human carpus (wrist), or to their equivalent in an animal’s forelimb.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : A nerve disorder that causes pain, loss of feeling and loss of strength in the hands

Chronic : Long duration illness

Clavicle : The collar bone

Compression : The act of pressing or squeezing together

Costal : Pertaining to a rib or ribs

Crest : A prominent ridge

Degenerative Arthritis : Deterioration of cartilaginous surfaces with marked thinning out of joint space usually associated with osteoarthritis

Diagnosis : Recognition of disease from symptoms

Dislocation : The displacement of any part, especially the removal temporarily of a bone from its normal position in a joint

Distal : Situated farthest from the body (limbs)

Dorsal : The back side or situated near the back

Dorsiflex : To turn toward the back, opposite of plantar flex

Edema : Accumulation of abnormal quantities of fluid in spaces between the cells of the body. Edema can accumulate in almost any location in the body. (feet and ankles)

Epicondyle : A prominence on a bone above or upon a condyle

Extremity : An arm or leg

Fibrosis : The formation of fibrous tissue. Fibrosis is caused by many factors including injury, inflammation and infection

Fibrositis : An inflammatory condition affecting connective tissue and muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. Fibrositis has many causes, including repeated injury, infections or overuse of a part

Flexion : Bending or decreasing the angle between parts of the body

Fracture : A break in the continuity of a bone

Heel Spur : A hard bony shelf as wide as the width of the heelbone caused by repeated pulling away of periosteum from the heelbone (calcaneous). The repeated stress or injury causes inflammation and calcification of tendons and ligaments in the foot

Immobilize : To fix so as to reduce or eliminate motion

Indication : A symptom or condition that indicates a necessity of a specific medical treatment or procedure

Inflammation : A response from an injury that may be characterized by redness, heat, pain, swelling and loss of function

Inversion : The act of turning inward, opposite of eversion

Lateral : Situated to the side, farthest from the midline of the body

Lateral Collateral Ligament : The ligament that runs from the lateral femoral condyle to the fibular head in the knee

Ligament : Fibrous connective tissue connecting the articular ends of bones serving to bind them together and to facilitate or limit motion

Lordosis : Abnormal anterior convexity of the spine

Lumbar : Relating to the lower back region

Medial : Closer to the center of midline of the body

Medial Collateral Ligament : Refers to the restraint structure at the innermost portion (side) of the knee joint

Muscle : Contractual tissue that moves joints

Orthopaedics : Branch of medical science that deals with treatment of disorders involving locomotor structures of the body, especially the skeleton, joints, muscle and fascia

Orthopaedists : A specialist in orthopaedics

Osmosis : Passage of fluid across a membrane from a lesser to a more highly concentrated solution

Osteoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease) : Arthritis of middle age characterized by degenerative and sometimes hypertrophic changes in the bone and cartilage of one or more joints and a progressive wearing down of opposing joint surfaces with consequent distortion of joint positioning usually without bony stiffening

Patella : The kneecap

Patella Tendon : The tendon extending from the patella and attaching at the tibial crest

Pelvis : the large bony frame near the base of the spine to which the hindlimbs or legs are attached in humans and many other vertebrates.

Plantar : Pertaining to the sole of the foot

Plantar Fasciitis : An inflammation of the fibrous tissue (plantar fascia) along the bottom of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes.

Plantar Flexion : Bending or pointing the toe toward the floor

Posterior : Situated behind or toward the back

Posterior Cruciate Ligament : This ligament prevents posterior subluxation of the tibia on the femur. It runs between the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle to its point of insertion below the joint line on the posterior aspect of the tibia

Proximal : Situated nearest the body (used in reference to the limbs of the body)

Rheumatoid Arthritis : A usually chronic disease that is of unknown cause and is characterized by pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling and sometimes destruction of joints

Soft Tissue : All tissue of the body except bone

Spine : A series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone.

Splint : A rigid support made from metal, plaster or plastic and used to immobilize an injured or inflamed part of the body

Sprain : A sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint causing the stretching or twisting of ligaments and often rupture of blood vessels with haemorrhage to the tissues

Stabilize : To become stable or steady

Sternum : The breast bone

Strain : The amount of deformation the material experiences per unit of original length in response to stress

Stress : The force that a material is subjected to per unit of original area

Subluxation : A partial or incomplete dislocation

Tendon : Fibrous connective tissue serving for the attachment of muscles to bones and other parts

Tendonitis : Inflammation of a tendon

Tenosynovitis : Inflammation of a tendon sheath

Thoracic : Pertaining to the chest; thoracico or thoraco, combining forms

Trauma : A wound or injury